I Ghosted Her and She Didn’t Care. Why? Here’s Why.

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Perhaps you’ve recently ghosted a girl who you thought liked you, only to find out she didn’t care. How confusing. You may have thought that you were the one in control of the situation. You were ready to cut her out of your life by ghosting her. However, now that you’ve realized she didn’t care about being ghosted, it’s not what you expected.

Perhaps you were expecting her to react badly or be upset after you ghosted her. However, she’s not. It may even be that you’ve started to miss her and are a bit confused as to why she seems so…happy? Here are the possible reasons why.

She didn’t care that you ghosted her because she simply didn’t like you that much

Sorry to break it to you but perhaps she simply did not like you that much. Alternatively, she may have also sensed that your flirtation or relationship was going nowhere. Basically, she was not too invested and as a result being ghosted was not a big deal. She may have been even thinking of how to end things herself. Who knows, she may have even been into someone else. Or now that you’re out of the picture, she’s been attracting attention from others.

She didn’t care that you ghosted her because she’s simply not the type to get hung up over ghosters

It’s possible that she may have initially been hurt or confused by you ghosting her. However, some people are very good at moving on after the end of a relationship. If she is emotionally strong and has a high self-esteem, she will likely have good coping mechanisms for dealing with negative events. She may be the type to rationalize that if it’s over, it’s surely for the best. After all, being ghosted by someone is disrespectful, to say the least. Instead of spending time being hung up on being ghosted by someone who clearly doesn’t care, she’s out there living her best life. Good for her!

Surprised that she’s out there having fun after you ghosted her? Don’t be.

Perhaps she does care but sees no point in showing it

The experience of being ghosted can range from a mild “oh well whatever” for some people to complete heartbreak for others. She may be hurt by your actions but is trying her best to not dwell on it. It’s not as though she will be able to gain answers from you or anyone else. Often, people who have been hurt from ghosted have no choice but to move on. It’s clear that the relationship is over and their best bet is focusing on moving on.

How she shows emotion also depends on her personality. While some people may react uncontrollably to being ghosted, it’s certainly not everyone. After being ghosted, one person may send constant angry messages to their ghoster, hoping to get an answer. Another person, however, may simply try their best to forget the relationship ever happened.

Instead of wondering why she didn’t care after you ghosted her, try asking yourself why should she care?

In conclusion, if you’ve ghosted a girl only to find out that she didn’t care, ask yourself: why are you surprised? Ghosting her demonstrates that you don’t want to have any further interaction with this girl. Therefore, there’s simply not much point wondering why she seems to be (gasp) fine. She deserves to be enjoying her life instead of feeling unhappy about being ghosted. Since she is clearly not a priority to you, it’s absolutely fair that you are not a priority to her, either.

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