She Ghosted Me But Still Watches My Stories. Why?

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If you’ve been ghosted by a girl only to find that she’s still viewing your Instagram or Snapchat stories, this can seem odd. She may even reliably be viewing every single one. You’re probably thinking to yourself “she ghosted me but still watches my stories. Why?” Why does she want to know what you’re doing? Does it mean she still cares? Could she be planning to reach out again in the future?

Don’t overthink things.

Firstly, don’t overthink things. Do not mistaken her watching your stories as meaning she still cares. Realize that this girl basically dumped you and didn’t care enough to even text or call to let you know. She was (and still is) thinking of herself and what suits her. Being concerned for you is the absolute last thing on her mind.

Why does she still watch your stories? The simple answer is: curiosity

It’s most likely that she is simply curious about what you are up to. This is even though she does not particularly like you, let alone have a relationship with you. Think about the people you used to know, such as exes who have left your life a long time ago, or friends you lost touch with. You may keep them on your social media accounts and be reluctant to delete them, even if there’s little chance you’ll ever see them again. Why? Because it’s normal to be curious about others.

If she’s not curious, she’s probably just bored.

Related: How Does The Ghoster Feel After Ghosting Someone? The 10 Deciding Factors

She may find your stories interesting

Even though she ghosted you, it’s possible that she finds your life interesting. If you regularly post stories detailing the places you go and the people you see, she may enjoy viewing them. Or, maybe your stories have a theme e.g. trendy restaurants you’ve dined at or artwork that you’ve created. In this case, it’s not surprising she still watches your stories.

If the fact that she still watches your stories makes it difficult for you to get over being ghosted, then you can delete her

There’s no need to have reminders of the girl who ghosted you. This is a girl who did not treat you well and is no longer in your life. You’re far better off without her. Therefore, if it bothers you that she still watches your stories, then you may wish to delete her from your social media accounts.

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