“He Ignored Me So I Blocked Him”: Did You Do The Right Thing?

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Have you been talking to or seeing a guy who suddenly went MIA? Maybe you thought things were going well. However, he suddenly stopped replying to your messages. You may have wondered if something happened that caused him to stop replying. Perhaps something came up. Or maybe he had a change of heart and lost interest. Being ignored by a guy can be frustrating. However, if he really does not want to respond, there’s not much you can do about it. If you end up blocking him, you may be wondering, “he ignored me so I blocked him. Was this the right thing to do?”

Was he really ignoring you?

Different people have different definitions of what constitutes ‘ignoring’ in a relationship. One person may conclude that if a guy hasn’t replied them for one day, then they are being ignored. However, another person may consider lack of reply for a few days to be ‘ignoring.’

It can depend on the frequency of your communication prior to being ‘ignored’

If, for example, you had been chatting to a guy and he generally messaged several times a day, then one would likely conclude they are being ignored after waiting several days or a week. However, if you’ve been exchanging messages once a day and he doesn’t respond for two days, it’s fair to give the guy more of a chance. If the guy failed to pick up several of your phone calls and made no effort to reach out, then yes, you were being ignored.

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It also depends on how responsive you prefer the guy to be

Putting it simply, we all have vastly different expectations when it comes to relationships. There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but it’s important to understand what works for you. Some people need constant communication and check-ins from the person they are interested in or seeing. They may need a guy to message throughout the day from the get-go to feel secure that the guy is interested. If this is you and you feel that he’s simply not responsive enough and you’d rather move on, then that’s perfectly fine.

On the other hand, another person may be more relaxed about the frequency of communication. They may be happy to go for days without contact, especially in the early stages of getting to know someone. Therefore, even if a guy hasn’t messaged for days, it may not cross their mind that they are being ‘ignored.’

“He ignored me so I blocked him. Should I have given him more of a chance to reply before blocking him?”

If he’s only failed to respond to a single message that you sent, it’s a bit fast to conclude that he’s ignoring you. He could simply be busy and not yet gotten round to replying. It’s reasonable to give a guy a few days (or up to a week) to see if he will respond. When he does, see if he offers any explanation as to why he suddenly went quiet.

If you felt you were being ignored, did you try and reach out after he failed to respond?

It’s reasonable to send a follow-up to see if there’s any reason he did not reply. Maybe he was genuinely swamped with work or something came up that kept him occupied. However, if he’s ignored several messages, then, yes, you are being ignored.

What was your relationship like before he ignored you?

If you were just chatting on an online dating app and he failed to respond to your messages, it’s clear that he is not interested. Blocking him is completely reasonable if you don’t want to hear from him again.

Related: How To Make A Guy Regret Ghosting You: 8 Ways

Were you dating and he ghosted you?

If the two of you were dating before he ignored you for a prolonged period of time, then you’ve likely been ghosted. Unfortunately, some guys just lack the decency to simply explain that they no longer want to see you anymore. Instead, they choose to ghost you instead.

After figuring out that you’ve been ghosted, it’s fair to want to cut the ghoster out of your life. Whether it’s by blocking him or simply moving on without blocking him, the most important thing is to accept the relationship is over. You absolutely deserve someone who appreciates everything you have to offer and loves spending time with you.

In dating, many people end up thinking “he ignored me so I blocked him. Was it the right thing to do?”

Blocking a guy who fails to respond is a common scenario in dating. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that you are not happy with the frequency in which he communicates with you. If you’ve blocked a guy who has ignored you, then it’s clear that the relationship was not meant to be.

If a guy ignores you, it’s clear that he is not that keen. A guy who is very interested will certainly stay in touch and want to see you. While some people may argue that blocking a guy who ignores you is unnecessary, it’s completely a personal choice. If you are certain you never want to hear from him again and make him aware of this, then blocking him is perfectly reasonable.

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