5 Telltale Signs He’s Acting Distant

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When a guy you’re dating seems to act distant all of a sudden, it can be confusing and hurtful. If your relationship has been going well and you really like him, you’re probably wondering whether something’s up. Unfortunately, many of us can find it difficult to look at a situation objectively when we are emotionally involved. Is he truly acting distant? Or are you overthinking things? Here are 5 telltale signs he’s acting distant.

Sign 1. He doesn’t make plans as frequently as before

The first obvious sign that a guy is acting distant is if he fails to make (or agree to) plans with you like he did before. Say, for example, the two of you have a habit of spending your whole weekend together but suddenly he is unwilling to do this. Or, he used to ask you to dinner once a week but he’s now become too busy to do this. This is a clear indication that he is pulling away.

Sign 2. He takes longer to respond to your messages

Response time is a good way of gauging how keen someone is. Of course, we all have many things going on in our daily lives and will often be busy. However, if a guy used to reply to you within a few hours and is now leaving you on read for a whole day, this is a sign he is acting distant.

Sign 3. He’s not concerned about what you have to say

How does this guy react when you tell him about your day? Does he show concern when you’ve had a tough day at work? Or if you’ve received some bad news? A guy who cares about you will be genuinely interested in your life. He’ll want to learn about what makes you happy and want to be there for you when you’re having problems. A guy who’s acting distant will care less about you and the things going on in your life.

Sign 4. He’s occupied with everyone but you

A guy who’s social life includes everyone but you is making it clear that you are not a priority. If he seems to have plenty of time to hang out with his buddies, goto parties or even spend time with people who he’s not that close to, but little free time to see you, he is acting distant.

Related: Online dating: Guys to Avoid. Here Are 5 Guys You Must Avoid.

Sign 5. He doesn’t share things with you anymore

A guy who’s acting distant will often stop confiding in the person they are seeing. This may include trivial things like what they’ve been up to during the day. However, it may also include things like any problems they’ve been having or more personal issues.

If he’s acting distant, don’t despair

If the guy you like is showing any of these signs he’s acting distant, it can really suck. You may feel sad that he’s prioritizing other things over you. You may also feel hurt that he seems less interested and wonder about the future of your relationship. However, he may be acting distant for reasons that don’t involve you at all. Here’s what you can do while he’s acting distant:

  • Give him some space
  • Don’t obsess about why he’s acting distant
  • Focus on your own life outside the relationship
  • Don’t constantly message him
  • Remember that if he’s genuinely losing interest you, the relationship is just not meant to be

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