Been Ghosted After Sending A Picture? Here’s Why.

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Have you been chatting to someone you’ve matched online? Maybe the conversation has been going well. However, after sending a picture of yourself, you got ghosted. Whatever initial hope you had that you might meet them in person is gone. At its best, online dating can be a fun and convenient way to meet singles with whom you can have a true connection. At it’s worst, it can be frustrating and not yield the results one is seeking. If you’ve been ghosted after sending a picture, you may feel disappointed and be questioning whether online dating is for you.

Here’s why you likely got ghosted after sending a picture

They don’t find you attractive

So, why do people get ghosted after sending a picture? Most of the time the answer is simple: they don’t find you attractive. This is not to say that you are not a good-looking person. You may have beautiful eyes or the sweetest smile. You might even have model good looks and a super fit body. However, the truth is that we all have such varied tastes when it comes to dating. Ultimately, it’s impossible that you’ll be everyone’s type.

Attractiveness is so subjective that even if you are beautiful in the eyes of many, there will still be people who think you are average or even unattractive. Someone’s definition of attractiveness can

The vibe you give off is not what they are looking for

We all judge books by their cover, whether we admit it or not. If you’ve been ghosted after sending a picture, it could be that even if they find you decent looking enough, the vibe you give off in your picture is not what they are seeking. For example, they may not appreciate your heavy makeup with artificial nails or fake lashes. Or, they may be looking for someone who dresses in a more conservative manner. You may even be too outdoorsy for their liking. Who knows?

It’s even possible that your picture presents you as having personality traits that they view as unfavourable. For example, if you come across as flashy or arrogant in your picture, this can be a huge turn off. Or, if you look like too much of a poser (think: selfies while flexing one’s muscles) this may be unappealing. They may even view your picture and conclude that you’re a party boy or girl and this is simply not what they want.

Related: Why Is Online Dating So Hard?

They may not have been serious about online dating at all

Online dating is full of people with different levels of intention. Some people are merely clicking around and matching with people for fun. These types are not looking for anything in particular and may even be *gasp* not single. They may enjoy flirty conversation and the idea that someone is interested in them. However, they have zero intention of following through and building up an actual relationship.

These types who are not serious about online dating may ditch after you send a picture because sending a picture can make things more ‘real.’ Once they see the face behind the name, they may want to abort their mission completely. As far as they’re concerned, they’ve had already fun getting your attention and casually chatting.

What should I do if I’ve been ghosted after sending a picture?

Chill, it’s not a big deal

Even though initially you may feel disappointed, try not to. Everything is totally o.k. and it was simply not meant to be. Remember this is someone you’ve never even met in real life. You don’t know whether they are who they claim to be. It’s possible that they’re not even single and you have no clue what their true intentions are on this online dating platform.

Move on

Anyone who’s ghosted you is not worth your time and effort. For whatever reason (which you’ll probably never figure out), they are not interested. Even if you’ve been chatting to them for a while, just remember that it’s over. You may feel disappointed but ultimately, it’s for the best. Try not to spend time obsessing about why they ghosted you.

Don’t let it get you down

Your ego may take a hit if you’ve been ghosted after sending a picture. You may be wondering “am I not attractive?” However, even if one person from an online dating platform does not find you attractive, there are plenty of people who will.

Ask a friend for an honest opinion if you like

If you’ve been ghosted after sending a picture, you may wonder if there’s something ‘wrong’ with your pictures. You can try asking a good friend for their honest opinion as to whether the pictures you’ve been sending are flattering and a good representation of yourself. They may have suggestions as to which pictures they think are best.

Remember: there are plenty of fish in the sea

If you’ve been ghosted after sending a picture, you may feel disappointed. Do not despair. There are plenty of fish in the sea and many people with whom you will be compatible with.

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