No Text After A Second Date? This Could Be Why.

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Going on a second date usually feels less daunting than the first date. You have a better understanding of the other person and know what to expect. Furthermore, you can rest assured that they are somewhat interested if they agreed to a second date. However, if you’ve received no text after a second date, you may be wondering what this means. Are they just taking their time to text you? Or have you been ghosted?

If you’ve received no text after a second date, how long has it been?

If it’s been less than 24 hours since your second date, it’s still early days. It’s completely reasonable for someone to wait a couple of days before texting. However, if it’s been a week or longer, the probability of them texting you is quite low.

Here are 6 possible reasons as to why you’ve received no text after a second date

Reason 1. They’re waiting to see what their schedule is before texting you

After a second date, some people may send a quick message e.g. “had lots of fun this evening! Have a great week” to let the other person know they enjoyed their time. However, not everyone is in the habit sending a courtesy text immediately after a second date. Some people prefer to wait until they can make plans for a third date before texting.

Reason 2. They lost interest

Even if they agreed to a second date, it does not mean that were very interested in you. They were interested enough to meet up with you again. However, it’s possible that after the second date, they realized that you are not their type.

Reason 3. He or she is dating other people

Presumably the person you went on two dates with is single but it’s certainly possible they are going on dates with other people. They may be in the process of making their mind up about who they like the best. As a result, they are taking their sweet time to text you.

Related: Was I Ghosted After Coming On Too Strong?

Reason 4. They want to keep you at a distance

This person may have enjoyed going on dates with you. However, they are intentionally keeping you at arm’s length. They are happy to meet up with you but do not want you to build up any expectations that it’s anything more than casual dating. By taking a long time to text you, they are controlling the pace of the relationship.

Reason 5. They are genuinely busy

Waiting for a text message from someone you’re interested can be frustrating as you ponder all the reasons why it’s taken them so long to text. However, they may genuinely be busy with work, social activities etc. However, if it’s been over a week since your second date and they still haven’t texted, the chances of them texting are low. It’s more likely that you’ve been ghosted.

Reason 6. They’re not sure about you and are figuring out whether they want to see you again

Even if you thought the first and second dates went well, there’s no guarantee they share your enthusiasm. They may have enjoyed your company and feel you have some attractive qualities. However, this does not necessarily translate to chemistry or attraction. They may have some doubts about whether the two of you are compatible. Sometimes, if someone hasn’t texted after a second date, they may be still making up their mind about whether to proceed.

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