I Blocked Him and He Texted Me: What Should I Do?

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Have you recently decided you no longer want to hear from a guy and blocked him? Maybe you found his messages annoying. Or maybe the two of you had some conflict that really put you off speaking to him. Perhaps he was on the verge of ghosting you and you decided to block him first. Regardless of the reason you blocked a guy, when he texts you later, you may be wondering what the best thing to do is. You may be wondering “I blocked him and he texted me. What does it mean? What should I do?”

Why would a guy text you after you’ve already blocked him?

If he texts you very soon after you’ve blocked him:

If he texts you very soon after you blocked him, he may feel there are unresolved issues between the two of you. He may want to find why you blocked him and have an opportunity to ask questions. He may be surprised that you blocked him at all. Perhaps he feels that you blocking him was uncalled for. This will especially be the case if your relationship was going well up until you blocked him.

If you blocked him after a specific incident, he would likely interpret you blocking him as a sign that you are upset or angry with him. As a result, he may text you to try to understand what went wrong and make amends.

If it’s been a while since you blocked him and he texts you:

If a significant amount of time has passed since you blocked him, he is probably aware of the fact that you don’t want to hear from him for good. However, if he texted you, you are clearly still on his mind. Often, guys will reach out with simple messages like “how are you doing?” They may even send things that remind the other person of their past e.g. a photo of somewhere the two of you used to go together.

It’s hard to know exactly what a guy wants when he texts you out of the blue. It’s possible that:

  • He’s bored
  • He still has feelings for you and misses you
  • He wants attention
  • He hasn’t gained closure after you blocked him

You may be wondering (or even asking your friends) “I blocked him and he texted me, what does he want?” However, unless you are prepared to engage with him in conversation then it’s unlikely you’ll find out what his intentions are.

Related: “I Blocked Him Because He Hurt Me”: Why You May Feel Conflicted Afterwards

I blocked him and he texted me: So, what should I do?

What you decide to do really depends on whether you truly want him out of your life for good or not. If you blocked him for soft reasons (e.g. perhaps you were upset in the heat of the moment but now want to reconcile) then you’d deal with the situation differently.

Option 1. Ignore him

Your first option is to continue ignoring him. Maybe you blocked him for very strong reasons e.g. you want him out of your life permanently. Perhaps his behaviour was unacceptable and blocking him was the only way to stop him contacting you. Ultimately, replying to him in any form will give him more incentive to keep texting you. If you are happier without him, you’ll be better off continuing to ignore him. You don’t want to go down a rabbit hole and end up being bombarded with his messages.

Even if he didn’t do anything very ‘wrong’ but you simply don’t want to hear from him, then your best bet is to ignore his texts. Whatever his reason is for texting you, he is trying to get a response. If you are sure that there’s nothing to be gained from communicating with him, then you have no reason to reply.

Option 2. Reply him

If, your intention was to block him temporarily to show that you were upset or angry, then you may be open to speaking to him again. You may have even been hoping or expecting him to text you after you blocked him. If this is you, then you may be wanting to discuss with him what you were upset about or the reasons that drove you to block him.

Ultimately, if you decide to engage with him in conversation, it will be important to address the reasons you blocked him. He may be none the wiser about the reasons you blocked him unless you explain to him explicitly. Hopefully, you’ll be able to have a constructive conversation and understand each other better following this.

I blocked him and he texted me…and he won’t stop! What should I do?

If, despite you blocking him and consistently ignoring his messages, he still does not stop texting you, this can be frustrating. You’ll need to find a way to block his phone number completely from sending you texts or calling. Alternatively, if this is not possible, you may even need to change phone numbers.

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