“I Blocked Him Because He Hurt Me”: Why You May Feel Conflicted Afterwards

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Blocking a guy who’s behaviour has upset you may feel like the best way of cutting someone out of your life (at least temporarily). However, you may end up feeling confused about whether it was the right thing to do, especially if you feel the two of you have unresolved issues. If you are wondering “I blocked him because he hurt me, was this the right thing to do?” here are some things to consider.

If you’ve been dating a guy and his behaviour hurt you, it’s normal to feel conflicted. On one hand, you have feelings for him and care about him. On the other hand, depending on what he did, his hurtful behaviour may have caused you a great deal of pain. It may even make you question the relationship. You likely blocked him as a way of showing him that his behaviour was unacceptable. Depending on how long you intend to block him for, your actions will have different meanings.

How long do you plan to block him for?

Blocking him for a few days

Perhaps you blocked him in the heat of the moment and only intend to keep him blocked for a set period of time e.g. a day or a few days before unblocking him. After realizing he has been blocked, he will know that you are unwilling to hear from him or communicate with him for now.

Blocking him permanently

If you felt seriously hurt and want the relationship to be over, then you may have blocked him permanently. In this situation, you have no intention of unblocking him. You do not want to ever hear from him again.

Does he understand why you blocked him?

Depending on what your last conversation was with him, he may or may not understand why you blocked him. If you stated clearly that his actions hurt you and why you were upset, then he is more likely to understand why you blocked him. However, if you did not offer any sort of explanation, he may be clueless as to why you blocked him.

Related: Dating After a Breakup: 7 Tips for Success

Was blocking him the right thing to do?

Well, it depends. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did you block him temporarily just to show him that you felt hurt?
  • Is your conflict something that can be resolved?
  • Or, are you certain it’s over between the two of you and you blocked him as a way of ending the relationship?
  • Was blocking him the only way to remove yourself from a toxic relationship?

Did you block him just to show that you felt hurt?

If you blocked him temporarily to show that you were hurt by his behaviour then he will, at the very least, realize that you are upset. However, he may not understand what it was that hurt you. Nor, will he have a means of making things right.

Is your conflict something that can be resolved?

If you feel that your conflict can be resolved, then its reasonable to unblock him. However, it’s essential that you are in a frame of mind to communicate effectively and have a constructive discussion.

Did you block him as a way of ending the relationship?

If you are certain that you want the relationship to be over then blocking him is a definitive way of ensuring that he will not contact you. In certain situations, for example, if his behaviour was repeatedly hurtful despite you addressing the issue, then you may have felt that blocking him was the only option. Sometimes, blocking someone may be the only way of removing yourself from a toxic relationship.

On the other hand, if, in retrospect, maybe after cooling down, you feel that the relationship is something that can be worked on. If you now want an opportunity to discuss things with him, you may be considering unblocking him.

Ultimately, there’s no right or wrong answer as to whether blocking him because he hurt you was the right thing to do. However, blocking someone permanently means that the two of you do not go through a proper breakup process. It may be more difficult for you to gain closure after ending things in this way. On the plus side, if you absolutely never want to hear from him again, then you will have achieved that.

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