Should I Block The Guy Who Ghosted Me? This Is How To Decide.

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So, you’ve realized that the guy you were seeing has ghosted you. If you’re completely over it, then great. If you’re still in the process of getting over the relationship, then hopefully you’ll get there soon. One thing that can be confusing is what to do about the possibility of him contacting you again. He still has your phone number and may have you as a ‘friend’ on social media. You may be wondering “should I block the guy who ghosted me?” The answer is: it’s completely up to you.

If you absolutely do not want to hear from him again, then block him

If you want to cut off all possibility of him reaching out to you, then your best bet is to block him. This may include blocking him on Whatsapp or whichever messenger app you use, as well your social media accounts. This is the best decision if you want to avoid being zombied i.e. your ghoster suddenly re-appearing in the future. The benefits of blocking him include:

  • He has zero chance of contacting you again
  • You don’t need to deal with him stirring up old feelings if he messages you
  • It shows him that you want him out of your life for good

Related: He Ghosted Me But Didn’t Unfriend Me, Why?

If you don’t want to block the guy who ghosted you, that’s cool, too

Even though blocking the guy who ghosted you has some advantages, there’s nothing wrong with leaving things be. It may not bother you that he still has a way of potentially contacting you in the future. Maybe you’re just not that upset by the fact that he ghosted you. Perhaps it didn’t come as a huge surprise. Or, even if it was unexpected, it didn’t bother you that much. If you were not that into him in the first place, being ghosted probably doesn’t seem like a big deal.

You may feel that blocking him doesn’t change anything for you. Clearly, the relationship is over and he’s out of your life. Even if he does (dare to) reach out to you, it won’t be a big deal and you’re confident you will handle it smoothly. If you see no advantage in blocking him then there’s no need to do so.

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