“She Ghosted Me After I Asked Her Out, Why?” 3 Reasons Why This Happens.

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Have you been getting to know a girl and finally plucked up the courage to ask her out, only to be ghosted? Whether this is a girl you know in real life or someone you’d met on a dating app, you’re probably feeling dismayed and a bit confused, too. If she had been chatting to you enthusiastically it may have felt like she was interested. The two of you may have had interesting conversations and she might have been flirting with you. You’re probably thinking to yourself “she ghosted me after I asked her out, why?”

Reason 1. She was never that interested in the first place but was chatting to you to kill time

Let’s get something straight: if she was truly interested, she would have said ‘yes’ when you asked her out. If she ghosted you after you asked her out, she was simply not that keen. If you thought that she was as keen as you were, then you were mistaken. It’s likely that she was chatting with you out of boredom. She may be the type that enjoys chatting to and receiving attention from multiple guys. When you asked her out, she ghosted you because she didn’t want to give you the wrong impression that she’s interested in dating you.

Related: She Ghosted Me But Still Watches My Stories. Why?

Reason 2. She sees you as a friend

If this is a girl that you know in real life (as opposed to a girl you met on a dating app), then she may consider you ‘friend’ material rather than someone that she would like to date. It’s notoriously difficult to break out of the friendzone if a girl has placed you in there. She may or may not have caught onto the fact that you are attracted to her while the two of you were chatting. However, when you asked her out, she ghosted you to send a clear message that she doesn’t see you ‘that’ way.

Reason 3. She has a boyfriend (or is already seeing someone)

If you’re not hundred percent sure about this girl’s relationship status, it’s possible that she’s already involved with someone. She may have an actual boyfriend or she may be dating someone else. Either way, she’s emotionally unavailable. She may have felt comfortable talking to you, especially if you were usually the one to initiate conversation. However, meeting up in person is something very different. It’s likely she felt meeting up would be crossing a line, even if she is somewhat interested in you, too.

“She ghosted me after I asked her out. What should I do?”

There’s nothing you need to do aside from accept the fact that she’s not interested and move on. Realistically, lots of girls you encounter will be flakey for many possible reasons. She’s already ghosted you which means she does not want to hear from you. You don’t need to spend any more time on her.

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