What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Dry Texting? 5 Possible Meanings.

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‘Dry Texting’ is a term used to describe when someone sends unenthusiastic, uninterested text responses. Dry texts are usually short acknowledgements e.g. “cool” or “lol” and certainly don’t aim to continue the conversation in any meaningful way. So, what does it mean when a girl is dry texting? Is she trying to soft ghost you? Is it worth pursuing a girl who is dry texting?

If you’re on the receiving end of a girl who is dry texting, you may find yourself wondering what she’s thinking and how interested she is. You might even be considering *gasp* double texting her.

Here are some examples of a girl who is dry texting

Dry texting Example A.

Guy: Hey! How’ve you been? Want to catch up next week?

Girl: Good thx. Sorry next week I’m pretty busy.

Guy: No worries, another time! Nice day today isn’t it?

Girl: Yea!

Dry texting Example B.

Guy: Hi! How was your day? I went to that new exhibition at the Gugenheim, it was great!

Girl: That’s nice.

Dry texting Example C.

Guy: How’s it going? Omg my dog has been sitting on my robot vacuum for the last 30 mins, he’s so entertained.

Girl: Haha.

As you can see from each of these scenarios, the girl’s response does not convey enthusiasm or interest. Girls who dry text are usually trying to be polite as opposed to flat out ignoring or ghosting you. This is UNLESS there is a genuine reason why they are unable to send longer texts.

If you’re wondering ‘what does it mean when a girl is dry texting you?’ the answer depends partly on these 3 key factors

Factor 1. How long has this girl been dry texting you?

If you’re trying to figure out the answer to ‘what does it mean when a girl is dry texting?’ it’s important to consider how long she’s actually been dry texting you. Has it been a day? A few days? Or weeks? Realistically, the longer she’s been dry texting you, the more likely it is that she’s just not interested in a relationship with you.

It’s another story if she has been inconsistent in texting you i.e. sometimes texting enthusiastically but then dry texting you after that. This may indicate that she’s intentionally trying to keep you at arm’s length.

Factor 2. The context in which she has been dry texting you

When asking ‘what does it mean when a girl is dry texting you,’ it’s important to consider the context in which she’s doing this. Is there anything you know about this girl’s life that could have resulted in her dry texting you? Here are some possibilities:

  • Being busy with work, school, social events, travel
  • Going through personal difficulties e.g. health-related, her career, family issues
  • Dealing with domestic issues e.g. moving house, redecorating

Everyone has experienced being especially busy at some point and, as a result, being unable to engage in proper conversations over text. If her dry texting is due to genuine business and she still wants a relationship with you, she should go back to texting you normally once her time frees up.

Factor 3. The state of your relationship with this girl

  • How well do you know this girl? Is she someone you’ve just started chatting to after matching on a dating app? Or is this a girl you’re seeing?
  • Have you had any recent conflict? Or has the relationship been going well?
  • How interested do you think she is in you?

If this is a girl that you barely (or do not) know and she is dry texting you, this is a sign that she is not keen to get to know you. Realistically, both people need to put effort at the beginning of a relationship in order to get to know each other and establish rapport. If she’s not bothered to continue a conversation with you during the early days of your relationship, it means she doesn’t care to get to know you.

Here are 5 reasons why she may be dry texting you

Reason 1. She’s occupied with other things

If a girl has been dry texting for a short period of time i.e. a day then she may simply be occupied with other things and hasn’t had the opportunity to have a proper chat with you. This may also be the case if she’s been dry texting you for a couple of days. However, this is unlikely if it’s been a week or more.

Related: Double Texting After Being Left On Read: Should You Do It?

Reason 2. She’s not interested in you

Do you feel like you’re consistently the only one making effort to reach out, ask questions and engage in conversation? If the answer is ‘yes,’ it’s clear that she is not interested. This is especially likely if you’re in the early stages of getting to know each other as opposed to being in a relationship.

Remember: a girl who likes you will look forward to your messages and want to keep the conversation going. There’s no two ways about it.

Unfortunately, it can be easy to overestimate how much a girl likes you if you are very into her. If you’re currently in a relationship with her and she’s started dry texting you on a regular basis without any logical explanation, it’s possible that she’s starting to lose interest.

Reason 3. She’s having doubts about you

It’s possible that this girl is dry texting you at the moment because on one hand, she does like you, however, there’s another part of her that is unsure. She may be undecided about anything from:

  • Whether you’re her ‘type
  • Whether she finds you attractive
  • Whether the two of you get along well
  • Whether she’s ready for a relationship

This is especially the case if the two of you are in the early stages of getting to know each other or casually dating.

Reason 4. She wants to keep you at arm’s length

Has this girl been alternating between being keen and texting frequently to occasionally going quiet and dry texting you? If so, she’s playing you hot and cold. Why do girls do this? Well, it’s usually because they want to keep the other person at arm’s length and ensure that the ball is in their court. She may be intentionally pulling back in an attempt to increase your attraction for her. Or, she may be doing so for other reasons like:

  • Not being ready for a relationship
  • Wanting to keep you on the back burner while she explores her options
  • Being scared of making herself emotionally vulnerable
  • Liking you to an extent but not viewing you as relationship material

Related: Don’t Fall Prey To Benching In Dating

Reason 5. She’s not into texting

Some girls (and guys for that matter) are just not that into texting. They may prefer other forms of communication such as chatting on the phone or meeting up in real life. If this girl is happy to meet up with you in person and consistently seems warm and interested in you, then perhaps what you consider ‘dry texting’ might be normal for her. Basically, the issue is that the two of you have different communication styles and it’s not related to how she feels about you.


If you’re wondering ‘what does it mean when a girl is dry texting?’ then there are only a couple of possibilities. It’s either because she’s busy, not interested, unsure about you or playing hard to get. Another possibility is that she is just not that communicative over text and prefers face-to-face interaction instead.

If you’re interested in a girl who is dry texting you, firstly ask yourself honestly whether she likes you back. If you’re the only one to initiate conversation and ask to meet up, then it’s likely that she’s just not that interested and is only being polite by replying your messages. If, however, she consistently shows interest in you during your other interactions e.g. when meeting up or on the phone, then it’s possible that she’s busy. Or, it’s nothing personal: she’s just someone who is ‘dry’ over text.

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