Ghosted on Instagram? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Care.

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Being ghosted on Instagram can come in several forms. You may have been casually messaging this person on DMs or commenting on each other’s posts. One day, you find that they complete stop messaging you or leaving comments. The other possibility is that someone who you may have been following has deleted you from their followers list. This may cause you to wonder why. Have you really just been ghosted on Instagram?

The main thing to bear in mind is that someone who you only communicate with occasionally on Instagram is unlikely to hold an important place in your life. Some people have thousands of Instagram followers and many are simply people we’ve known at some point in our lives. They could be someone you dated briefly, friends of friends, or someone you went to school with many years ago. While they may be a cool person, they are not part of your A-list.

Someone who only messages you occasionally on Instagram is probably not one of your A-list friends

How do I know if I’ve been ghosted on Instagram?

Ghosting is defined as cutting off communication, thereby ending the relationship. Ghosting usually occurs in relation to dating and is especially common in online dating. It is possible that they’re just taking longer to respond than usual due to being busy. Therefore, it’s fair to wait a bit longer to see if they get back to you. If you’ve been exchanging DMs or comments with someone on Instagram and they suddenly stop responding all together, you’ve probably been ghosted.

The other possibility is that you’ve been communicating with this person over Instagram and they suddenly delete or block you. If you’ve been blocked you are usually unable to view their posts or send DMs. This is a fairly sure sign that they’ve ghosted you.

How it feels to be ghosted on Instagram

One’s reaction to being ghosted on Instagram basically comes down to whether you had feelings for the other person. Maybe you were hoping that your interaction on Instagram would lead to something in real life. You may have been sending this person flirty DMs like “looks like fun 😉” in response to their stories. If they do not respond or even block you, they are simply not interested. It may be disappointing but try not to take it to heart. Perhaps they are already involved with someone else or you’re simply not their type.

If you did not have any expectations from communicating with this person on Instagram then it’s likely you don’t care much. Liza, 25, commented: “I have hundreds of followers on my Instagram, where I regularly post pics of my life. Many of my followers are guys I’ve met from going out that simply comment on my stories out of boredom. Sometimes I’ll reach out with a DM but they don’t reply. It’s not a big deal, I think people often scroll through Instagram out of boredom and don’t put too much thought into it.”

It can be frustrating if the ghoster still watches your Instagram stories

I’ve been ghosted on Instagram but he/she still watches my stories

If someone has ghosted you on Instagram but still watches your stories, it can be frustrating. They may be still somewhat interested in what you are up to. Or, they may simply be bored. Realistically, it doesn’t matter why they still watch your stories if they have ignored your messages. They are not genuinely interested in keeping in touch.

Related: Ghosted But Not Blocked? Here’s Why & Why You Shouldn’t Care

What should I do?

There’s not much you can do if you’ve been ghosted on Instagram. If your communication was solely on Instagram and you didn’t have a proper relationship in real life, it can hardly be considered a meaningful relationship. Try not to feel annoyed or angry at the other person. After all, someone who merely comments on your stories or sends occasional DMs does not really owe you anything. You may not even know them well at all. They may be in a serious relationship.

If you feel disappointed, just remember that it’s for the best. You wouldn’t want to be involved with someone who could pull a disappearing act like that, surely? Overall, it’s better to not take Instagram comments and DMs too seriously. Many people see Instagram as a casual way to see what others are up to, rather than a way of truly getting to know another person. Solely messaging on Instagram is no substitute for a proper relationship or friendship. It’s far better to not place any expectations on the other person.

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