How To Say Goodbye To Someone Who Ghosted You: 10 Examples

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The realization that you’ve been ghosted by someone can be hard to swallow if this meant something to you. You may experience mixed emotions including sadness that the relationship is over, as well as anger for being ghosted. If you’ve accepted that the relationship is over and this person is out of your life for good, great! The person who ghosted you does not deserve your time or concern. If you’re wondering how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you, here are 10 messages you can send your ghoster that closes the door once and for all.

Related: 5 Reasons Ghosting Is Cowardly When It Comes To Dating

Why would someone want to say goodbye to their ghoster?

There are several reasons why someone may want to say goodbye to their ghoster. Sending a final message may help them gain closure as they are acknowledging that the relationship is over for good. Bye saying “goodbye,” the ghoster also realizes that the other person is no longer pining after them. Therefore, the ghostee may feel they’ve regained some of their dignity.

By saying goodbye to someone who ghosted you, you can:

  • Call them out for ghosting you
  • Show that you are over the relationship
  • Tell them that you’re moving on
  • Ensure that they do not try to contact you again in the future

Related: Been Ghosted For ‘No Reason’? This May Be Why.

10 examples of how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you

  1. “I’m removing your number and don’t want to hear from you in the future. Goodbye.”
  2. “It’s clearly over between us. I have zero interest in having anything to do with you. Goodbye.”
  3. “I’m assuming that you’re no longer interested so I’ll do us both a favour and end things here. Bye.”
  4. “It would have been nice if you had the guts to tell me directly that you no longer wanted us to see each other. Anyway, it’s obviously for the best that we don’t speak anymore. Goodbye.”
  5. “I think I deserved better than being ghosted. But whatever, it’s your loss 😛 Goodbye.”
  6. “Being ghosted was hurtful. I wish you’d just told me directly how you were feeling. I won’t be talking to you anymore. Goodbye.”
  7. “Based on you us having zero communication for the last few weeks, it’s obvious that it’s over between us. Goodbye.”
  8. “Word of advice: take a moment to think of how ghosting might make the other person feel before you do it. Goodbye and take care.”
  9. “I’m over this. Goodbye.”
  10. “Clearly it’s pointless wondering what happened to you so I’m moving on. Goodbye.”

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